Dear Friends of the Good Old Days,
What Does Springtime Mean to You?
Throughout the years, spring has probably meant different things to you at different times of your life. When you were young, springtime fun might have revolved around hunting colorful Easter eggs or flying a paper kite. As a teenager, spring might have meant meeting up with classmates at school dances or helping your mom and dad plant seeds in the garden.
As adults, springtime often meant making repairs around the house or cleaning up the yard after winter.
We've captured a bunch of these spring memories in this issue. Step back to Easters past and remember seeing baby chicks arriving at your local store and hunting for those last remaining Easter eggs. Relive warm-weather days with stories of handmade kites lofting high in the air or made-up games played with friends in the neighborhood. Smile at the memory of flipping through the seed catalog and choosing which vegetables you wanted to grow that year, or groan at the memory of helping your dad get all the crops in the ground.
All those springtime memories are what has made our lives go 'round, and we're happy to share them with all of you. Happy spring from the Good Old Days staff!

Kathy Lynch, Editor
Kathy Lynch has been with Annie's since February 2022. She brings more than 20 years' experience in marketing, journalism, podcasts and publishing. In addition to her job as editor of Good Old Days, Kathy has spent time as a small business owner while being mom to her three grown kids and engaging in her favorite pastime -- her seven grandkids. Kathy and her husband have lived on the banks of the Ohio River for more 20 years. Evenings and weekends, they enjoy watching the river and the river life that flows right past their front door. On their deck out back, they welcome many different kinds of birds and animals that visit their feeders each day. Kathy also enjoys sharing her bit of paradise with other "river rats," family and friends.
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